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My 8th birthday

Different cultures - different ways

When I was 8 years old my best friend was a Turkish girl called Serap. For that birthday I invited all my friends to come to my party. We where going to have lunch at my house. Afterwards I wanted to go to the circus with my friends.

I knew Serap was not allowed to eat pork so my mum and I prepared the meal especially for her without pork. All my guest turned up, one after the other. Only she was missing. When she did not turn up I was very sad, because she had promised she would come. I tried not to show my disappointment in front of my other guests but really she was the most important one for me.

Unfortunately she did not have a phone so we could not call her and ask her what was taking her so long to come over. We needed to leave soon in order to arrive at the circus on time. And then my grandma remembered a birthday party her friend in Spain arranged for her daughter: In Spain the kids waited at their homes to be picked up. They do not just come over to the party at the given time, like it is done in Germany. So my grandma went over to Serap`s place. And yes, Serap was already dressed in her jacket and ready to go. She had been waiting for nearly an hour at her home to be picked up by me or my mom. Like me she was very unhappy and disappointed. She thought I had forgotten about her.

In the end we only needed to grab something for her to eat on the way. We all made it to the circus and spend a nice afternoon together.